SRT is like a deep cleansing skincare treatment for our soul! Just as dead skin cells can block skincare products from working on our face, negative programs and energies in our soul can stop positive thoughts and energy from reaching our inner self. SRT helps remove these obstacles, just like how exfoliating skincare cleanses and refreshes our skin. By clearing away old negativity, we create a purer and more positive space within us, allowing positive thoughts and energy to flow freely.

Like how our skin absorbs skincare products better after exfoliation, our spirits feel lighter and freer after SRT, making us a better version of ourselves. Some individuals may need more cleansing if they don’t fully understand the root of their issues. This suggests there might be other areas in their soul that need cleansing or deeper self-awareness. But gaining clarity on these matters helps us understand ourselves better, which is a wonderful thing. SRT’s purpose is to help everyone explore and understand their inner world on a deeper level.

The term “High Self” refers to a higher aspect or higher level of consciousness within an individual. It is believed to be the aspect of ourselves that transcends the limitations of our physical existence or divine source. It is considered a more expanded and a broader perspective that goes beyond our everyday human experiences.

Many spiritual practices and belief systems encourage individuals to connect with their High Self through meditation, prayer, or other forms of introspection. The idea is that by accessing this higher aspect of ourselves, we can gain insight, guidance, and clarity in navigating life’s challenges and fulfilling our true potential.

Think of the soul as an onion! Just like an onion has many layers, our soul can also have negative barriers. These barriers might come from past traumas, negative emotions, bad habits, or self-limiting beliefs. It’s like peeling off each layer of the onion, we need to release these negative barriers to see the true essence of our soul.

During this process, we might feel vulnerable and scared, but we also experience a sense of relief and healing. It takes patience and courage. As we peel away these negative layers, we connect with our real selves and discover the purity within our soul.

The number of sessions needed in any healing process can vary for each individual because everyone’s situation, issues, and challenges are unique. It will depend on the complexity of the issues, the depth of healing required, personal goals, individual progress, and the need for continuing support.

SRT is a process that helps clear away obstacles and shows us different paths to choose from. But remember, it’s up to you to decide which path to take and embrace any changes. Healing is not about someone else solving your problems, but about understanding what healing means and empowering yourself to heal. It’s all about you, and when you decide to change, you can create the life you want faster.

When we begin to understand ourselves, we may inevitably uncover our dark side. These could be the emotional wounds from our past or deep-seated pain from our inner child. They might feel hurt, scared, or unloved. Through SRT’s cleansing process, clients often come to realize, “I understand now; I did have such a mindset.”

Finding suitable ways to heal these inner child aspects is essential. You can seek professional counseling or therapy, or try self-healing methods like meditation, self-affirmations, journaling, and mind-body healing practices. These methods can help soothe the inner child and provide them with love and care, facilitating their gradual healing.

Facing these dark sides and emotional wounds requires courage and patience. We can approach them with compassion and openness, accepting these inner child parts, when we no longer avoiding or suppressing them, we heal ourselves.

What SRT does is help you clear away negative patterns and energies that are holding you back. However, it won’t directly change your life because real change comes from within you. You have the power to change yourself and create a better life. SRT just supports you on that journey.

Different crystals are associated with specific qualities or energies, such as promoting relaxation, reducing stress, enhancing creativity, or supporting emotional healing. For example, amethyst is often associated with calming and soothing properties, while rose quartz is believed to enhance love and compassion.

It’s essential to understand that the healing properties of crystals are not scientifically proven, and the concept is part of the realm of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). While some people report positive effects from working with crystals, others may not experience any discernible benefits.