
Our Story

Meet Chelsea, the inspiring founder of Healing Dolphin. Born in Taiwan, she embarked on a new chapter in her life when she moved to the United States at the age of fourteen. As a young immigrant, she struggled with speaking English, which greatly affected her self-confidence.

Fast forward to age thirty-four, Chelsea decided to face her language fears head-on. She went back to school, starting from the basics, and soon discovered that her language skills were not as bad as she had thought. With determination and courage, she overcame her fears and developed a newfound love for learning – not just English, but also how to love herself.

It took four years of dedicated effort, but Chelsea reached a point of self-acceptance. During this transformative journey, she learned to confront her fears, explored her likes and dislikes, and became attuned to her heart and body.

Chelsea firmly believes that loving oneself is essential to experiencing love from others and extending love to them in return. She is passionate about helping people discover their true selves, empowering them to make confident choices when faced with uncertainty.

At Healing Dolphin, the aim is to foster self-discovery and personal growth, allowing individuals to become the best versions of themselves. So, let Healing Dolphin be your guiding light on the journey to self-discovery and becoming the best you can be.